Monday, May 2, 2016

The Jungle Book (2016)


The Jungle Book is a 2016 American fantasy adventure film directed by Jon Favreau, written by Justin Marks and produced by Walt Disney Pictures. Based on Rudyard Kipling's eponymous collective works and inspired by Walt Disney's 1967 animated film of the same name, The Jungle Book is a live-action/CGI film that tells the story of Mowgli, an orphaned human boy who, guided by his animal guardians, sets out on a journey of self-discovery while evading the threatening Shere Khan.


-Neel Sethi as Mowgli
-Kendrick Reyes as infant Mowgli
-Ritesh Rajan as Mowgli's father

Voice cast:
-Bill Murray as Baloo
-Ben Kingsley as Bagheera
-Idris Elba as Shere Khan
-Giancarlo Esposito as Akela
-Lupita Nyong'o as Raksha
-Scarlett Johansson as Kaa
-Christopher Walken as King Louie
-Garry Shandling as Ikki
-Brighton Rose as Grey Brother
-Jon Favreau as Pygmy Hog
-Sam Raimi as Indian Giant Squirrel
-Russell Peters as Rocky the Indian Rhinoceros
-Madeleine Favreau as Raquel the Indian Rhinoceros
-Sara Arrington as Neelgai
-Dee Bradley Baker, Artie Esposito, Sean Johnson, and Allan Trautman provide additional animal  voices

1.The "Jungle Book" was a great remake that made both kids as well as adults enjoy themselves while watching it. The CGI characters were excellent and there was an entertaining atmosphere of humor, adventure and suspense. Jon Favreau brought a welcome lightness of touch to this visually immersive adventure story.

2.It’s a lush, beautiful and expansive space of flora and fauna that completely sucks you into its world. No wonder it was soo fun adn exciting for everyone to watch this movie.

3.So immersively does the film’s visual-effects team craft every tree, waterfall and flower of Rudyard Kipling’s fantastical subcontinental setting, and so carefully are the talking CGI animals rendered, it's hard to believe all of that is not real. But aside from investing in top-drawer digital craftsmanship, perhaps the canniest move Disney made on this film was hiring Jon Favreau to helm it. Maintaining the buoyant heartbeat beneath all the digital flash, Favreau never loses sight of the fact that he’s making an adventure story for children — no small matter in a kid-pic landscape flooded with inappropriately gritty reboots and frenetic distraction devices — and when positive word of mouth arrives to buttress Disney’s all-out marketing efforts, the studio should have a substantial hit on its hands.

4.Even though the story is many times re-read by almost all of us, watching the movie with such great visual-effects was like a bliss since many of us didnot really think it would come out so amazingly. The Cast and Visual-effects team and all involved in making this movie have done a really great job.

5.We were not disappointed by Jon Favreau since he made great movies in the past, Iron Man, which is one of them and we all know Iron Man was a total hits along with it's sequels.

6.However, if you have children and you decide to take them with you, a word of caution, prepare them for some awe and shock. The Jungle Book is no longer cute and cuddly but a tale of survival. This time, it really is a jungle out there. But you will surely not regret watching it and it is absolutly worth your money.

7.Overall the movie was great (everyone knows it's way above great). Jon Favreau and his team of tech wizards(yea that's the word) don’t just give you CGI for the heck of it, they make it an integral part of the storytelling. This film would never have been the same without the present day technology and it can only be compared with, say, Avatar. The film is an eye-popping spectacle where the jungle breathes and animals emote with their eyes. The wizardry is overwhelmingly successful in the portrayal of the animals. They are so real – from the way they talk to their loping, sinuous walk to even their eyes – that you eventually forget that some graphic artist just made them up.

(NOTE: This review is according to us and our friends and some external source here and there. Stick with us for more reviews like this)     ENJOY!!

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